Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Integrate ZK with Jasper Report

Hi i am using ZK6.0.2 Framework for my project and i was trying to integrate Jasper reports with ZK. I followed a Samll talk written by ZK developer and demo worked fine for me and when i tried to integrate the same demo with my application i found some exception like ... And And actual cause of the above issue was the itext.jar file
Note:-I was using itext2.1.4.jar which causing the issue and i updated the jar with itext2.1.7.jar and at last i am able to generate reports.
1-Java and ZUL Code for Integrating Jasper Report Data Class...... Main zul Page.... And report.zul file I tested above code in my application it worked fine .


  1. Hi Subodh, am struggling with a jasperreport code, i have added all the lib that was supposed and i have no error, but the jasperreport componet, just show a small line inside it. what am i doing wrong?

    1. Can you try my code and tell me what is result you getting?

    2. Have tried it, but still showing just a small line inside jasperreport component. I guess it has to do with the version of zk am using, maybe the the jasperreport component require a non trial version. I tried using JasperFillManager.fillReport and i got success. tks for your prompt reply

  2. hello, i want to ask.
    i have jasper report integrated with oracle. i load jasper report from zk. but when it runs, data from oracle cannot load. do you know what happen? do you have any solutions? thank you

  3. Its not Jasper Report Issue . Did u check the query which u running getting data from Oracle Please debug your code this is only solution . No one can tell you why data not loading from Oracle Without your setup.

  4. i have this problem: Failed to load /view/z_1mg/m59P9/bsq1/0/report/REPO3.pdf Cause: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error loading object from InputStream
    i have add itext-2.1.7.jar, but it still cant run. do you have any solutions?

    1. Its hard to tell without seeing the code and flow did you tried this
