Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to call Simple javascript function in ZK ?

Lots of time developer have a issue how we can call a simple Java Script function in ZK framework .Let Us suppose we have a JavaScript function doSomething() now we have to call this function on some event ,let us suppose below code.

1-Declare below line in your ZUL(Top of the page)
2-Here i called a JavaScript function on Window onClose event

3-Write below JavaScript

Friday, October 25, 2013

ZK How to hide Calendar box from Calendar Component?

Here issue is that i want to show date like DD/MM/YYYY order in zk textbox but here i do not want to show the calendar or we can say i do not want to give freedom to choose date from From zk Calendar how we can resolve this issue ?
Here we can say we have two option
1-We can write a Type Converter class and use in label you can see example here Databinding-with-TypeConverter-sample
2-There is another option, use datebox with buttonVisible="false" attribute.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

ZK:- Get Instance of any ZUL component in ViewModel

I am using ZK MVVM Architecture . Today i got problem on Button click i want Listbox instance in ViewModel or my Java class so i found a solution which is provided by ZK itself.
Let us suppose you called below method on button click

If you will get here i used query("Pass Component Name ") method and it will return the object of that component. But here can be problem if more than one type of compoennt defined in page will see how to resolve that also.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to concat two variable in ZUL?

One of my friend come to me and told i will want to concatenation two variable in ZUL and show it user and asked is this possible i am also not totally 100% confident about it but when i browsed ZK Official Documentation i found some helpful information in this and when i tried this i got the solution for example please check below code

ZUL Code for this

br/> And View have the concatenation method and two variable which defined in zul file

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

ZK MVC Upload Example

The ZUL file code for this will be

And the Java Code

Friday, August 16, 2013

ZK Listbox MouseOver CSS Overriding or Remove Hover

See the below code for this.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ZK Application Performance Boosting Tips

1-Handling Huge data:-Use Model and Paging
2-Turn on ROD(Rendered on Demand feature) loads only the necessary chunk from associaed ListModel,item are olny created and sent to client when visible,Boost performance client side as well as server side,Less memory usage on Client side and server side

3-Implement OWN ListModel,TreeModel
Extends from AbstractListModel,AbstractTreeModel
ListModel ,DefaultTreeModel assumes all data is available in memory,however it is not pragmatic to load data at once
By implemeting custom model you can load only segment of data required and progressively allocate/de-allocate data
This furthers server side optimization of handling huge data in addition to ROD
Defer Creation of Child Components
Do not create Components unless you need them

Defer the rendering of child widgets
do not create delay creating rendering components in case you still need them
unlike fulfill components are created immediately only the rendering is delayed
Just a UX trick but is effective

Minimize # of JS files to load
More # of JS files means more # of Get Request
Why ZK doesnt budle all in one by default?
Not all required
Make payload that much bigger even of Simple pages
User server side include for all and only load single load this single page like this
Load JS And CSS resources from server nearby
Close so loads faster
Main Server load can be reduced
HOST ZK static resource Server
Implement a Encodes.URLEncoder to serve the static resources JS & CSS from nearby Server
Use Stub only components to reduce the server memory footprint Why?
Each ZK Components has 2 Counterparts A widget, that represents it on browser side A Components , normally a Java Object instance, that holds component state Howe ever if you only need for layout of render particular info/data then you may not need it's Java object instance on server side
What about really truly huge data requirement?
Sometimes you just have to show hundreds of thousands of row/column data
and not use paging
ROD is not enough
For that Use BigListbox
Just Like any other data Component
Use compiled Java Code,No Zscript
Reuse Desktop
Use only for pages that takes longer to generate
You could also employ time based strategy
Use button mold "os"
Use lighter components where possible eb Hlayout/vlayout instead of hbox/vbox
Detach and reattach instead of visible="false"
Note:- This all data from ZK Training session from Zk Team

Monday, August 5, 2013

How to replace to ZScript code from Production Ready code from JavaScript :ZK

Today i am going to discuss about a very good think how we can replace Zscript use from production server , as it is my personal experience when i have any issue in zk and i asked something in ZK forum or Stackoverflow i found many times people answer with Zscript may be because its easy to write and run very easily .
But what will happen when we have Zscript disable in our Zk project something like this in zk.xml file
Also in somewhere in Zk Document, i already read that Zscript not for production server its only for testing purpose so never use ZScript in production code.
Let me explain the issue and solution in briefly few week back i have wrote about ZK+RapidSpell Checker integration but that example not working when zul have parent-child relationship like if zul is part of tabs and tabs are part of index.zul so index.zul is parent of all the zul
So i have to ask this question in Stackoverflow and as expected i got the help from two guys @benbai and @Jim but i saw solution was on Zscript again its a problem for me because as i already mentioned above i can not use Zscript so what the solution how to ignore Zscript code ?
Here is the Zscript code with solution

And i have to use this code and it replaces Zscript code with JavaScript

So this is one way to do this and ignore using Zscript.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to call JavaScript Function from ViewModel(Java Class) in ZK

Today i will tell you how we can call Java Script function from view model of that particular zul , Let us suppose you have A.zul file something like this ...

Now you will want to call closeBrowser() method from your ViewModel I mean from class, So you have to write below code in your viewModel or Java class inside any method

Note:- I did not test the code but some of my team member already done this thing show i took help from them to write this blog entry and it will work because it is working in our application.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

ZK Listbox selecteditem vs selecteditems

Today i am going to discuss about two attributes of zk Listbox, one is selectedItem and another is selectedItems both looking same but do not think like that here we can say selectedItems means Single selection or multiple selection both thing supported here but in case of selectedItem only one item of Listbox will be selected.

May be above comparison will be not clear to everyone, so we have to digg more and go to the depth of these attributes, lets go to ZK Official Documentation and see what they are saying about these two attributes

For single selection state, ZK provides 2 kind of state. One is selected index and another is selected item of a model. We can create 2 properties in ViewModel for them respectively.

Here you can see selectedItem means only one item will be selected and bind from ViewModel
Some components support multiple selections, but it needs to be enabled before using it. The way to enable multiple selections depends on property's type you bind with "model" attribute. If the property type is Java Collection type such as List, Set, or Map , we should specify multiple="true" on the component to enable multiple selections. If a property's type is ListModel and it implements Selectable, we should call setMultiple(true) to enable it.

While selectedItems means multiple items could be selected and bind with one variables but you have to remember that in your zul you have to add multiple="true" attribute in Listbox inside ZUL file and in your ViewModel you have to call setMultiple(true) function.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to avoid to load ZK Powered Logo?

As we know when any page load zk powered logo shown and if i am making any website or product for any individual client its not look good to me as well as client.

Now everyone know these design,look and feel and images are manage by CSS classes ,but sometime its hard to know which CSS used by ZK,for this above issue you can override some css class and css class which you have to override .
This Css used by ZK

Now you can change image or no any image


For more information you can check this question , i am using ZK EE may be because in my case above thing working .

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ZK:-Diffence between @load and @bind?

Hello friends today we will discuss about two very basic but powerful annotation of ZK Framework load and bind

When i started ZK framework i am also in the same situation what i mean confused? Why we are using load and why we are bind in zul file for binding, i knew that both are for binding the ViewModel or Java Class variables with zul page but when i have to use load and when i have to use bind its sometime confusing for beginner.

Today I will try to explain you about it .Here we can say in simple words
@load:- One way binding
@bind:- Two way binding

Still some confusion? its ok not a big deal ...Let me try to explain one more time
Let me explain things with some scenario,let us suppose we have a zk textbox now in this case how binding will work?

In Simple words if you want to show the value in zul file from your viewmodel use @load and if you want to show the value and update value of viewmodel variable from zul use @bind If Still confusion ? please ask in comment .:)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

ZK 6.5.3 officially released !!

Good news for ZK developer ,as i read official post of ZK Team ,Happy to announce ZK6.5.3 with new changes and bug fixes

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ZK Listbox Filtering

Today i am going to tell you how can we do Filtering in the Zk Listbox ..Its Simple Basic demo example to apply the filtering in zk Listbox any one can get idea and added more well defined way to apply filtering in Zk Listbox

ZUL code for this listbox filtering example

And ViewModel or Java Code for Listbox filtering

You can download the above code from This link. Suggestion and updates invited :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Expand first groupbox and collapse remaining group by default using zk

Today blog entry is dedicated to this question in stackoverflow
Now see how can we achieve this the ZUL code for this..

And Java Code or we can say Zk View Modal Window

Its a basic sample code developer can change it according to their requirements and Zk fiddle here is the running sample code

Friday, June 28, 2013

How to change Expand and Collapse images of ZK Grid hierarchy Component

Today i got a new POC(Proof of concept) task how can we change the default expand and collapse images of ZK Grid hierarchy Component as i am not much knowledge of CSS i am not sure how we can do this. Its clear to me we have to make change in CSS to achieve this but in which css class i have to made the changes i am not sure then i have to ask this question Ben bai a zk developer ,very well and deep knowledge about ZK,CSS,Jquery etc. He told me to write this below CSS to achieve this

Here is the ZUL file for this ..

Note:- As i am not sure how we can get which CSS apply in which component @Ben suggest me a better way to do this in Google Chrome Browser ,What we can do is right-click on the expand/collapse icon in Chrome then click 'Inspect element' to view the dom elements and its css style in Chrome console

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Integration of Rapid Spell Checker with ZK Framework

Today i am going to share how we can integrate Rapid Spell Checker with ZK Framework. As we all know ZK does not provide any default spell checker so we have to use some third party toll to fulfill this requirement.
As i read Rapid Spell Checker website they already mentioned its very easy to integrate this spell checker with JSP,JSF,Struts etc. so i thought why should not we can try to integrate it with ZK Framework ,it should work because if its working with JSF which is something similar with ZK Framework.
When i started their way to implement this in my ZK Web application i found some issue with IE browser but thanks to team member they helped me to resolve the issue.

What all you need to work with this tool please follow below...

1-Download Rapid Spell Checker evaluation version from here

2-Now extract the downloaded file and copy RapidSpellWeb.jar into your web project lib directory

3-Now download the dictionaries from here these dictionaries is nothing but a jar file copy all dictionaries jar file into your project lib directory.

4- Use below code to test this .

5-Also you have to create(under WebContent directory ) a folder userdictionaries and a file 1.txt inside this folder. This file will add all the words which not present in the your default dictionary.

If someone have more better option please share with me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

ZK Show another button on click of a button

Java Code for the above problem

ZUL code for this demo example

For any issue and further question please leave a comment :)

ZK Listbox Data Filter Demo

ZK Provide Data Filter in Listbox,Grid I have created a Very Basic Demo application to apply Filters in Listbox.
ZUL file Code
And View Model Or Java Class

Its a Very basic developer can modify the code as their requirement.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to change ZK Progress Bar text

My This post is dedicated to one of the question asked in ZK forum . Let me try to explain you how we can do this
Create a JS file in your project like MyFile.js and add below code inside this JS

Now open lang-addon.xml file, if you are not using it add this file into your project inside WEB-INF folder for more information you can refer Zk official document.Inside this lang-addon.xml file add this line

My File is inside the above path so i added this path. Thats it if any issue you can left comment i will try to answer them.:)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Zk Delete Selected Item from Listbox

As today i am trying to answer someone question in ZK forum how we can delete selected item or items from the Listbox i have created a demo example for this ...
Java Code for this
And ZUL Code for this Example..

You can ask more question in comment section :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

ZK Button Alignment

As i saw a question in ZK ZK Button Alignment i got some good solution for this like we can right below code ...

But a better Solution given by ZK Developer Vincentjian

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ZK Pass argument from ZUL page to ViewModel Class

Today i was looking on the ZK Forum and i saw someone have issue to pass argument from ZUL page to a ViewModel method here i am giving a example for that ,Let us suppose you want to pass instance from ZUL to a method you can code like this..

And the action method in View Model class
For more information you can check this question Pass argument in ZK Zul page to ViewModel class

Monday, May 27, 2013

ZK Textbox color change

Here i am putting a scenario let us suppose we have a zk textbox and some condition i want the inner color of zk textbox would be differ than the default one(White).How can i create a textbox with some new color inside it? As we know we can extend the ZK components very easily ,to extend any component in Zk what we have to do?
1-Add this entry in lang-addon.xml file...Here we are using textbox so we have to extend ZK textbox.

Here you can see we have component-class so we have to create this class in our project and the contain of this class would be

Here you can see we have all logic inside set method of mandatory variable where i am set the style class for some condition like if mandatory varaible is true then style class would be textbox-color otherwise it would be textbox-non-mandatory-color and these style class would contain ...

Now one question in your mind where we have to put these classes so that out java class file will able o read these files .We can put all our style classes into zk.xml file, let us suppose we have myStyle.css file you have to below entry in the zk.xml file

Now how can we use it in zul

Now it will change the zk textbox color according to mandatory field value.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ZK Upload a image or Image binding In MVVM Architecture

The ZUL file code for this will be
and in you View Model class you have to use this code snap..
I have used image tab only for showing a uploading image if you want to upload the image only you do not need to use the image tag in the page.
Note:- I have removed unwanted line of code so may be code will be not compile but this is a way to work with image.You can made changes in code according to your requirements.
The detail method of showInfo()

Monday, May 20, 2013

ZK Mathematical Calculattion in ZUL page

Today blog entry dedicated to the mathematical calculation inside ZUl page itself...
And View Model will be ...
And Bean class

Note:-This example provided by ZK Team developer @BenBai

Friday, May 17, 2013

ZK Combobox With Item rendered

Please follow my previous Post and if you want to add rendered zk combobox with the help of Item rendered then you can use below code. Java Code for this
And the ZUl code for this..

ZK Combobox With SelectOption

First thing you need to creation a SelectOption class..
Now in your view model create these variables with get and set method ..
And in your zul file

This Post is related with ZK Forum this questionZK MVVM Combox box Data binding

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to enable or disable Zscript in ZK Framework.

As in production server we do not want to use Zscript ,so ZK already given flexibility to disable to enable the zscript feature of ZK.What you have to do just make below entry in zk.xml file.

Monday, April 29, 2013

How to call Groovy Script method and pass parameter from Java class

You can follow below code to achieve above task.

and groovy script file code is

How to call Groovy Script from Java Class.

As i am working on ZK framework ,but as per requirement i have to use groovy as well in my project so in my previous post Integrate Groovy with Zk Framework i already mentioned how can we do it .Today i will want to share how we can call Groovy script from inside Java class..Try below code

As i am using Maven project so i put my groovy script file UserSelectedComponents.groovy inside /src/main/resources folder

Sunday, April 21, 2013

ZK Framework add a backgorund image in ZUL page

Let us suppose you want to add a background image in the ZUl page then you have to use below style in your zul page

ZK Framework Never Session Timeout of application

How can we manage the session time out issue in ZK as per ZK official documentation we have to add below line of code in ZK.xml file

For detail information you can check the official documentation Session_Timeout_Management in ZK Framework

Friday, April 19, 2013

ZK Detach a ModalWindow WIthout Wiring

As its a long time pending feature by ZK Team but i got workaround to close a modal window on button press you can use below code for this you have to create a button in your modal window and in that button you have to call a method like this
ZUl code

And Java Code for this

How to Hide Toobar in ZK CKEditor

If you want to hide the Toolbar of Zk CkEditor Component you have to write below code in your JS file...This code will be inside a file assuming name ckconfig.js
And in your ZK Ck Editor Component you have to write like this..

How to Integrate Groovy with ZK Web application.

s i m using Maven in my ZK Web application ..So i have to made these changes to run GroovyScript from my ZK WebApplication..
1- First i have to add this dependency in pom.xml file
2- Second thing i have to create a Groovy script file and added it into /src/main/resources folder.With Following Code.
3- Third and most important thing how to run above created Groovy Script you know the above code returning List of String so we can use below code in my Java class.
This is Basic POC(Proof of Concept) and my first sample with Groovy...and Here Sample Code for Groovy Script..

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to Disable Border of Groupbox in ZK?

If you want to disable border of ZK Groupbox Just try below content style..

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How Can Start with ZK Chosenbox(Demo code)?

As i was working on ZK ChosenBox Component . i Got plenty of issue which can be resolve with the help of @Bai-Ben zk teamdevelopers ... Why we are zk ChosenBox?
Previously i am using Zk Combobox component for showing list of items but i will want to give flexibility to user to select more than one item so i just got that ZK have a new component Zk Chosenbox which can full fill my requirements .. How Can we implement the ZK Chosenbox...
Here is the ZUL file
And here is the Java code..

You can check this example ZK Fiddle example for Chosenbox in ZK fiddle as well but Note you need Zk version 6.5.2

How to Call Java Script Function from ViewModel Class in ZK Framework?

Few day i have some scenario i have to call a JS function (which is in inside my ZUL file) from ViewModel or Java class of same page
I have used below code in ViewModel class
And in your zul page you have this JS function...

ZK Delay in Tootip

Add below line of code in zk.xml file

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ZK Simple include example

As someone asked how we can include a ZUL file in another zul i have created a sample..
index.zul file is
and another file which is going to include in index.zul file is..

If you will want to see runnable sample you can browse ZK Fiddle ZK Fiddle for Sample

How to disable ProgreeBar in ZK

Sometime you will want to disable the progress bar given by ZK to disable it in your whole project 1-Create a {fileName}.js and put the below code into this file

2- Add this {fileName}.js into the lang-addon.xml file something like given below .

Now Restart the server now it will not appear.

Monday, March 11, 2013

ZK Listbox ItemRendered Example

Here is Simple Demo example how we can use Itemrendered in ZK With Listbox You can follow the Below Demo Code for this ZK Feature...
The Code for ZUL Page is. And code For Java Class file..

Monday, February 25, 2013

ZK pass values in ViewModel Without removing focus from textbox

I was facing some issue like i have a textbox and when user will enter some values in textbox and doubleclick inside textbox then the same time value o send value to ViewModel ....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

ZK forEach with Template

Here you can see how we can use forEach with template...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

ZK Set desire selection in Listbox model

If someone want when a Zk listbox render in browser a item will be default selected for achieving this you can run this demo code.. ZUL file..... And Viewmodel or Java class for this demo example... In this example you can see this code.. this method will do selection the item in listbox which you would like ... For more Information you can refer..ZK Official document

For Senthil Question

Monday, February 4, 2013

ZK KeyStroke event with Windows Component in Java

If you do not like my previous post Zk KeyStroke Event where iused ZScript to show example but lots of developer do not like ZScript even i am not comfortable with Zscript even in my project i disable Zscript feature . Here i would like to show how can you capture which CTRL key pressed by user in ZUL page and capture that Key in your class file then you can follow the below demo example.... ZUL Code for this Demo
<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
 <window title="new page title" border="normal" id="inp"
  viewModel="@id('vm') @init('')" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" ctrlKeys="^a^s^d#f8" onCtrlKey="@command('ctrlKeyClick',item=event.getKeyCode())">
  <button label="AddItem" onClick="@command('addNewItem')"  ></button>
  <listbox model="@bind(vm.dataList)">
    <listheader value="A"></listheader>
    <listheader value="B"></listheader>
    <listheader value="C"></listheader>

   <template name="model" var="mymodel">

      <textbox value="@bind(mymodel.a)" />
      <label value="@bind(mymodel.b)" />

      <label value="@bind(mymodel.c)" />

And Java Code for this demo

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.AfterCompose;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextParam;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextType;
import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange;
import org.zkoss.zhtml.Messagebox;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;

public class MyListbox  {

 private List dataList;

 public void afterCompose(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
  try {
   dataList = new ArrayList();
   Data data;
   data = new Data("a1", "b1", "c1");
   data = new Data("a2", "b2", "c2");
   data = new Data("a3", "b3", "c3");
  } catch (Exception e) {


 public void ctrlKeyClick(@org.zkoss.bind.annotation.BindingParam("item") String ctekKeyCode ){
   int keyCode =Integer.parseInt(ctekKeyCode);
         String s = "";
             case 65: s = "Ctrl+A";break;
             case 119: s = "F8";break;
             case 83:s="Ctrl+S";break;
             case 68:s="Ctrl+D";break;
         }" is pressed", "CtrlKey",
                 Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION);
  System.out.println("I am clicked");
 public void addNewItem(){
  Data data = new Data("", "", "");
 public List getDataList() {
  return dataList;

 public void setDataList(List dataList) {
  this.dataList = dataList;

 public class Data {
  String a;
  String b;
  String c;
  public String getA() {
   return a;
  public String getB() {
   return b;
  public String getC() {
   return c;
  public void setA(String a) {
   this.a = a;
  public void setB(String b) {
   this.b = b;
  public void setC(String c) {
   this.c = c;
  public Data(String a, String b, String c) {
   this.a = a;
   this.b = b;
   this.c = c;


ZK KeyStroke event with Windows Component in ZUL

ZK provide KeyStroke event we can see how can we add these KeyStroke event with windows in ZUL..
<?page title="new page title" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"?>
 <window title="new page title" border="normal" id="inp"
    ctrlKeys="^a^s^d#f8"  attribute name="onOK"><![CDATA[
              "ENTER key is pressed", "OK",
                                Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION);
                    <attribute name="onCancel"><![CDATA[
              "ESC key is pressed", "CANCEL",
                                Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION);
                    <attribute name="onCtrlKey"><![CDATA[
                        int keyCode = ((KeyEvent) event).getKeyCode();
                        String s = "";
                            case 65: s = "Ctrl+A";break;
                            case 119: s = "F8";break;
                            case 83:s="Ctrl+S";break;
                            case 68:s="Ctrl+D";break;
              " is pressed", "CtrlKey",
                                Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION);

ZK Listbox add a new item

Today we will see how can we add a new item when user click on a button for this you can follow this example... ZUL file code for this And Java class or viewmodel for this... for any issue please leave a comment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ZK GroupBox facts

How to use Model for ZK GroupsModel... This way you can get groupName with Listitem if you will not use template model:group for rendering grouping object then it will directly look for model and rendered according to that.

Friday, January 18, 2013

ZK Framework Notify Programmatically

Today i was working on Listbox Reordering Component so i customized my class so that ZUL will take model for listbox and other variables from another class rather than Direct from View Model So My Listbox will be something like this... Here you can check i am not directly accessing variables from Viewmodel rather than i am calling varaibles from another class called and code for this... Now You Know My ViewModel class is but i am accessing variables from another class in ZUL pages(from this class ListboxViewModel .java) and in ViewModel i created a object of class with get and set method. Now i will want to Notify the variables define in .So what i have to do ...I have to call this method.. Or You can do like this.. As you all know In NotifyChange we can Notify more than one variables or all variables , something like this But postNotifyChange method have no such feature may be in future ZK team will think add this feature also. For more information you can browse ZK Official blog

ZK Listbox With Column Reordering in ZUL

Let us start with some new feature of ZK Listbox. Today i am sharing how we can implement Reordering in Listbox , you can download running war file from Here .Before this logic i did the Zk listbox reordering with the help of getitemrendered() but the main drawback of that approach was that user have to do binding in Java code which is looking very bad also lots of line code increase so it will be headache in future for me and my team. So i got some idea from Ben bai and created this example. See Video help

Wednesday, January 9, 2013