Friday, January 18, 2013

ZK Listbox With Column Reordering in ZUL

Let us start with some new feature of ZK Listbox. Today i am sharing how we can implement Reordering in Listbox , you can download running war file from Here .Before this logic i did the Zk listbox reordering with the help of getitemrendered() but the main drawback of that approach was that user have to do binding in Java code which is looking very bad also lots of line code increase so it will be headache in future for me and my team. So i got some idea from Ben bai and created this example. See Video help


  1. Can you check your link to the example joshi? I get page not found.
    Greetz chill.

    1. Yes right may be Website deleted that i think i have to do coding again for that example
