Monday, August 5, 2013

How to replace to ZScript code from Production Ready code from JavaScript :ZK

Today i am going to discuss about a very good think how we can replace Zscript use from production server , as it is my personal experience when i have any issue in zk and i asked something in ZK forum or Stackoverflow i found many times people answer with Zscript may be because its easy to write and run very easily .
But what will happen when we have Zscript disable in our Zk project something like this in zk.xml file
Also in somewhere in Zk Document, i already read that Zscript not for production server its only for testing purpose so never use ZScript in production code.
Let me explain the issue and solution in briefly few week back i have wrote about ZK+RapidSpell Checker integration but that example not working when zul have parent-child relationship like if zul is part of tabs and tabs are part of index.zul so index.zul is parent of all the zul
So i have to ask this question in Stackoverflow and as expected i got the help from two guys @benbai and @Jim but i saw solution was on Zscript again its a problem for me because as i already mentioned above i can not use Zscript so what the solution how to ignore Zscript code ?
Here is the Zscript code with solution

And i have to use this code and it replaces Zscript code with JavaScript

So this is one way to do this and ignore using Zscript.

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